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Install Application Configurator Only

This topic describes the installation stops you follow to install your Application Configurator, including the Silent Install process.


  1. Locate the license keys assigned by insightsoftware (either an XML file or email text).
  2. If your company requires proxy server access for internet connectivity, locate the appropriate proxy server IP address, port number, user name, and password.
  3. Establish a share folder structure and review the below prerequisites in Recommended Shared Folder Structure.

Recommended Shared Folder Structure

insightsoftware recommends establishing an insightsoftware network share root folder, followed by supporting Spreadsheet Server folders for storing all shared files. See Appendix A: Recommended Shared Folder Structure at the end of this document for the recommended shared folder structure.

  • Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8 is a prerequisite for Application Configurator. This component must be installed prior to running the system compatibility check or the Application Configurator setup program.
  • Additionally, if using Office 2016 or newer, insightsoftware recommends installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 prior to beginning the Application Configurator installation. If you choose not to preinstall this product, the installation wizard will complete the necessary install.


  1. If necessary, close all open Excel sessions.
  2. Double-click Spreadsheet Server Suite.exe from either the installation CD or from the downloaded and uncompressed .zip file.
  3. Select the Application Configurator setup type, and click Next.
  4. After successful installation, it is recommended to:
    1. Reboot your machine.
    2. If connecting to an iSeries or SAP database, ensure the appropriate components (for example, IBM iSeries Access for Windows, SAP Client, or SAP Transport) are installed for connectivity.
    3. For designer general ledgers, ensure the delivered designer GL profile and ad hocs are located in the appropriate location to which each Spreadsheet Server user has access (see Appendix A: Recommended Shared Folder Structure).
  5. Open Application Configurator and process the following options:
    1. The Configuration Wizard helps define the network location for the Application Configurator security and connection files and other general options.
    2. If required, define proxy server settings.
    3. Import license keys.
    4. Add users.
    5. Note: If an internet connection is unavailable for validation, contact insightsoftware support to manually validate the license keys.

    6. Define the appropriate database connection(s).
    7. Specify common, general ledger, and query application settings, such as, but not limited to: general ledger type and shared paths for segment lists, ad hocs, Designer GL definitions, and EDQ files. Only the settings with the Apply check box selected will be read by Spreadsheet Server on the user’s machine.
    8. For Infinium, JD Edwards, Lawson, Oracle, PeopleSoft (Oracle database type), and SAP ledgers only, define and test ledger specific application settings.
    9. Load and/or define appropriate @Fields.
    10. If necessary, override application passwords.
    11. Save all changes and push changes to the network location.

For detailed instructions, refer to the Application Configurator User Manual located in the installation package, or, by click the icon in the upper-right corner of Application Configurator.

Silent Installation for End Users

When performing a silent installation of Spreadsheet Server, you are responsible for ensuring that, for each end user:

  1. The Everyone group has full access to the Global Software Inc folder that will be created in the public documents folder.
  2. Excel 2019 or 2016 has been installed.
  3. No active instances of Excel are running during the installation.
  4. If this is an upgrade starting from a pre-14.1 version, previous version(s) of Distribution Manager and Executive Dash have been uninstalled. If this is an upgrade starting from a pre-14.5 version, previous version(s) of Spreadsheet Writeback have been uninstalled.
  5. Note: For silent uninstalls, add the following commands, to your command file or custom uninstaller program:

    • msiexec /x "distribution manager.msi" /qn
    • msiexec /x "executive dash.msi" /qn
  6. If using the Command Prompt, open as an administrator and navigate to the folder that contains the Spreadsheet Server Suite installer. Otherwise, specify the path in your command file or custom installer program.
  7. The P:\Spreadsheet Server path indicates the network path that the DotNetSecurity.xmlApplication Configurator security file has been saved by the application. Edit this path to the path where you have saved your DotNetSecurity.xml file.
  8. Note: UNC paths can be used, rather than mapped drives. For example: \\ComputerName\SharedFolder.

  9. Enter the appropriate command from the below list:
  • Excel 2019 or 2016 (Application Configurator, Spreadsheet Server, and Cloud Connector):
    “Spreadsheet Server Suite.exe" /S /SHAREDSECURITYFILEPATH="P:\Spreadsheet Server" /INSTALL=”Full
  • Excel 2019 or 2016 (Spreadsheet Server, Cloud Connector):
    Spreadsheet Server Suite.exe" /S /SHAREDSECURITYFILEPATH="P:\Spreadsheet Server" /INSTALL=”SS
  • Excel 2019 or 2016 (Application Configurator only):
    “Spreadsheet Server Suite.exe" /S /SHAREDSECURITYFILEPATH="P:\Spreadsheet Server" /INSTALL=”AC”
  • Excel 2019 or 2016 (Application Configurator and Spreadsheet Server):
    “Spreadsheet Server Suite.exe" /S /SHAREDSECURITYFILEPATH="P:\Spreadsheet Server" /INSTALL=”ACAdmin”
  • Excel 2019 or 2016 (Spreadsheet Server only):
    “Spreadsheet Server Suite.exe" /S /SHAREDSECURITYFILEPATH="P:\Spreadsheet Server" /INSTALL=”SSUser”

Note: All switches are case-sensitive and must be uppercase.

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